Transparency Report

Specified domain view

This chart shows the number of URLs requested to be delisted from Google Search for this specified domain over time.

Specified domains

Legal frameworks enable copyright owners—also referred to as copyright holders—to submit requests to delist content for copyright infringement. Google receives requests from both copyright owners and reporting organizations, who may or may not be the owners of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Reporting organizationURLsLast request date
BPI (British Recorded Music Industry) Ltd3,024,195Jun 19, 2022
1v0X2YizQSRPSUh_dqa2Podxnpjs50,376Jul 4, 2018
Stichting BREIN26,633Jan 30, 2015
FPM22,259Feb 10, 2015
APDIF do Brasil20,472Feb 4, 2015
Digimarc14,993Apr 20, 2015
OpSec Online LLC12,042Feb 21, 2015
Irish Recorded Music Association11,946Apr 16, 2016
CAPIF11,251Nov 27, 2014

All requests made for specified domain

Request IDDateCopyright ownerReporting organizationURLs% of URLs delisted% of URLs not in index
28525428Nov 25, 2024Beggars Group Digital Anti-piracy3,1871%98%
25868414Jul 24, 2024Beggars Group Digital Anti-piracy9,9052%96%
20600789Oct 22, 2023Dawnsplace.comCopyright Preserve7632%38%
1661842Jun 23, 2022IFPIIFPI49892%0%
1561155Jun 19, 2022IFPIIFPI2,07298%0%
1425113Jun 19, 2022BPI LTD MEMBER COMPANIESBPI (British Recorded Music Industry) Ltd2,069100%0%
1381124Jun 17, 2022Beggars Group Digital Anti-piracy94699%0%
1561554Dec 8, 2021IFPIIFPI2,12094%0%
9755265Sep 2, 2020Control Freak Kitten Records / Anarchistic Heart Anti-piracy2,78369%20%
8910801Mar 13, 2020Beggars Group Digital Anti-piracy7,02175%4%

Specified domain details

This domain had 3,272,678 URLs over 50,522 individual requests requested for delisting from our Search results.

Specified domain outcomes

RemovedNot in indexNo action takenDuplicate8.5%91.4%
Removal statusCount
Not in index139
No action taken691

This chart shows the outcomes of each URL that has been submitted for this domain.

Copyright and access to information

The data here helps inform global conversations on the way copyright impacts access to information. Google is actively involved in discussions with policymakers around the world on how to best fight online piracy and connect users with legitimate content.

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