This data represents the information submitted by individuals and organizations who make copyright removal requests. All tables are sorted in descending order by total number of URLs requested to be delisted.
Copyright owner | Reporting organizations | Specified domains | Requested URLs |
MG Premium Ltd | 57 | 37,214 | 973,426,240 |
Penguin Random House LLC | 2 | 39,796 | 735,239,327 |
BPI LTD MEMBER COMPANIES | 60 | 48,924 | 629,787,672 |
HarperCollins Publishers LLC | 1 | 32,515 | 502,038,203 |
APDIF Mexico Member Companies | 1 | 802,409 | 461,957,299 |
Kakaopage | 11 | 10,705 | 394,628,124 |
VIZ Media LLC | 230 | 73,490 | 307,737,931 |
APDIF do Brasil Member Companies | 3 | 12,296 | 276,185,322 |
Taylor & Francis Group | 3 | 34,704 | 257,447,121 |
Hachette | 1 | 12,508 | 256,194,704 |
The data here helps inform global conversations on the way copyright impacts access to information. Google is actively involved in discussions with policymakers around the world on how to best fight online piracy and connect users with legitimate content.
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