Transparency Report

Reporting organization view


URLs requested to be delistedJul 15, 2014Jul 19, 2014Jul 23, 2014Jul 27, 2014Jul 31, 2014Aug04,…02505007501,0001,2501,500
TimeURLs requested to be delisted
Jul 14, 2014, 7:00:00 AM271
Jul 21, 2014, 7:00:00 AM1,348
Jul 28, 2014, 7:00:00 AM566
Aug 4, 2014, 7:00:00 AM184

This chart shows the number of URLs requested to be delisted from Google Search at the request of this reporting organization over time.

Reporting organizations

Legal frameworks enable copyright owners—also referred to as copyright holders—to submit requests to delist content for copyright infringement. Google receives requests from both copyright owners and reporting organizations, who may or may not be the owners of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Specified domainURLsLast request date
bitsnoop.com1,150Aug 4, 2014
torrentz.pro194Aug 6, 2014
kickass.to69Aug 6, 2014
torrentfunk.com54Aug 6, 2014
torrentdownloads.me50Aug 6, 2014
real-univers.fr50Aug 5, 2014
torrents.net48Aug 6, 2014
telechargementz.org37Jul 16, 2014
limetorrents.com37Aug 4, 2014
yourbittorrent.com35Aug 5, 2014
Copyright ownerURLsLast request date
membres de la SCPP2,331Aug 6, 2014
scpp38Jul 18, 2014

All requests made by reporting organization

Request IDDateCopyright ownerURLs% of URLs delisted% of URLs not in index
1362743Aug 6, 2014membres de la SCPP2190%0%
1357462Aug 5, 2014membres de la SCPP2793%0%
1358890Aug 4, 2014membres de la SCPP13691%0%
1351500Aug 1, 2014membres de la SCPP9177%0%
1348680Jul 31, 2014membres de la SCPP19293%0%
1345749Jul 30, 2014membres de la SCPP13880%0%
1342546Jul 29, 2014membres de la SCPP8093%0%
1340357Jul 28, 2014membres de la SCPP6598%0%
1333598Jul 25, 2014membres de la SCPP9100%0%
1331272Jul 24, 2014membres de la SCPP1,17279%0%

Reporting organization details

This reporter requested delisting from our Search results of 2,369 URLs over 17 individual requests.

Reporting organization outcomes

RemovedNo action takenDuplicate22.0%77.8%
Removal statusCount
Not in index0
No action taken7

This chart shows the outcomes of each URL that this reporter has submitted.

Copyright and access to information

The data here helps inform global conversations on the way copyright impacts access to information. Google is actively involved in discussions with policymakers around the world on how to best fight online piracy and connect users with legitimate content.

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Explore how copyright affects Google Search results.
Aug 04, 2014