Every six months, we report the number of requests made by governments for user information and the number of accounts subject to those requests. Learn more about our approach to these requests and certain limitations to this report.
In this Enterprise requests report, we provide additional details on a subset of Global requests that involve Enterprise Cloud customers. As a subset of our Global requests , these Enterprise requests do not include the requests separately reported with our US national security requests.
Every six months, we report the number of requests made by governments for user information and the number of accounts subject to those requests. Learn more about our approach to these requests and certain limitations to this report.
This table reflects the number of requests that involve an Enterprise cloud customer and the percentage of requests for which Enterprise cloud customer information is disclosed.
This table shows the number of requests for Enterprise Cloud customers that we can identify as having been issued through diplomatic procedures. These include, for example, requests from the government of one country to another through a mutual legal assistance treaty.
We carefully review each request to make sure that it satisfies applicable laws. If a request asks for too much information, we try to narrow it, and in some cases we object to producing any information at all. And, consistent with the policy of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) , we advise governments making requests to first approach the Enterprise cloud customer directly before making a request of Google. For more information, read Government requests for cloud customer data and the whitepaper about controlling access to your data in Google cloud
We share this information to draw attention to the laws and legal processes around the world that affect access to information online.
Learn about the ways that laws impact government access to your information online. arrow_forward