Transparency Report

Traffic and disruptions to Google

We log the number of visits to every Google product, along with an approximation of the geographic region where the visit originated. A visible decrease in traffic in a specific region may mean that users there cannot access a product or service.

Fraction of worldwide traffic

The chart below provides near real-time information about traffic to and from products and services around the world. Each chart shows historic traffic patterns for a given geographic region and product. The charts give a representation of the ratio of that region's request rate to the worldwide request rate. For each time period and product, we divide the traffic for each geographic region by total worldwide traffic, resulting in a number between 0 and 1. Then we multiply all numbers by a constant, which normalizes but does not change the shape of the graphs.

Traffic and disruptions

By providing real-time information about traffic, anyone can see the status of access to our products and services in a country or region. We hope people will be able to use this data to analyze and better understand the state of information flows online.

Learn more about access to Google products and services.