It is our policy to respond to clear and specific notices of alleged copyright infringement. The form of notice we specify in our web form is consistent with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and provides a simple and efficient mechanism for copyright owners from countries/regions around the world. To initiate the process to delist content from Search results, a copyright owner who believes a URL points to infringing content sends us a takedown notice for that allegedly infringing material. When we receive a valid takedown notice, our teams carefully review it for completeness and check for other problems. If the notice is complete and we find no other issues, we delist the URL from Search results.
URLs requested to be delisted
Specified domains
Copyright owners
Reporting organizations
Specified domains
This figure is the total number of unique top-level domains (e.g., from which URLs are requested to be delisted.
Copyright owners
The total number of unique individuals or entities that have claimed an exclusive right to content specified in copyright delisting requests.
Reporting organizations
The total number of unique entities or organizations who have acted on behalf of copyright owners to ask Google to delist Search results due to copyright claims.